Yeah, I'll keep doing that. I'll keep hurting you.
"Hey, I know you try so hard. You've treated me better than anyone else ever has and I know that, were it permitted, things could be even better and I could be happy. But, well, I've got this boyfriend and I love him. So...sorry!"
Easy, right?
No. Not fucking easy. Not in the slightest bit.
It used to hurt every day. Because I missed him. I missed my home. I missed the comfort of familiarity, of family, of real, true love. That type of loss, as you know, is hard enough to recover from.
But I did. Because of you. You gave me the hope I needed to stay here. I'd been looking into buying a plane ticket back home to continue college there, back with the familiarity. But then you came along and you gave me a reason to stay. Or at least, a reason to consider sticking it out.
He represents security, consistency, safety, my past. He shaped me into the person I am now.
The girl you fell for.
It is hard for me on so many different levels to end that and move on. I don't like not knowing where I'm going emotionally. I love the consistency I had with him. But it's different now. It's not so constant. It truly is like being on a roller coaster, but in the dark. I guess like Space Mountain. You can never prepare for the drops or the lifts or the turns. & this roller coaster is an old rickety one. You slam against the seat with every movement. It's uncomfortable. Strained. But at least I know I'll remain on the tracks...
With you, there is no certainty. I know that you & I are very limited in what we're able to reveal to one another, so it is possible that much of my insecurity is fueled by the fact that I can't ask a question & get an answer. You represent everything new and fresh. Raw, in a way. Beautiful, but undeniably terrifying. I'm holding on to this theory of you only being attracted to the unavailable me. You have never met the available me. The free me. You might not like her. She's not any different, but if you are in fact drawn to me because you can't have me, then you may fall out of this.
You have had me though... You have taken a large part of me in such a short amount of time. & I have done the same with you. And while I am skeptical of the validity of everything you feel, I am not afraid. I do trust you when you say that you'll always be here and I think that's where most of my comfort resides in. No matter what happens, you'll be here, in whatever form I need. & I wouldn't even have to tell you how to be. You would just know. We're both the same like that, aren't we? We both just know. I love that.
It does make me worry when you put up the wall. I know you feel like you have to and I respect that. But I truly despise it. The wall makes me insecure.
You are not consistent. Your emotions, nor your words. & that is what scares me.
I shouldn't be making any decisions based on you. But I am. I try to stay level-headed and focused. In this aspect, I try to be selfish.
You know I'm not selfish though. That's why I'm still where I am. I'm much too concerned with everyone else's emotions to base any decision on myself. But maybe that needs to change.
That will change.
I only hope that you'll still be there in the end. I can't ask you and I won't, but I truly hope you'll realize.