…the more depressed I get about Harry Potter ending. I know it’s not really ending since we’ll always have the books and the movies to rewatch… and we have Pottermore to look forward to. But it’s just really sad that this is the last film and the last time that I’ll be heading to a midnight premiere. It’s marking the end of an era. And it’s another reminder that my childhood is over. It’s sad.
I remember the anticipation I felt before seeing the first HP film. I’d been a strong follower of the first few books and had high expectations for the films as well. Seconds into the opening scenes of The Sorcerer’s (Philosopher’s) Stone, I recall myself sitting on edge with excitement and immediately falling in love with the actors. I learned their names nearly right away and quickly developed a crush on Daniel Radcliffe. It was actually borderline obsessive with the printed photos I’d posted all over my walls and the “dream scenes” I’d written myself into for a Harry Potter world that included me as a witch. I even made this embarrassing video that I sent to Daniel for his birthday, narrating my life and introducing him to my family while asking all sorts of questions. I was overly ecstatic to receive a Thank You letter from Dan a few months later attached to an autographed photo. I lived Harry Potter. I was convinced, much like many other HP fans, that I would receive my owl to Hogwarts on my eleventh birthday. Even after I’d celebrated my thirteenth birthday I still hadn’t given up hope. And a strong part of me still crosses my fingers for that owl…
I hate to sound like everyone else who is nostalgic for “the ending”, but the Harry Potter Series really did give my generation so much hope. Hogwarts and the magical scenes surrounding became our dream world; where we could escape from our own lives and immerse ourselves in this beautiful fantasy where almost anything could happen. Harry Potter fans have imagined themselves and their roles in the Harry Potter series. We’ve found our houses and our wands.. or more, they’ve found us; we’ve boarded Platform 9 and 3/4 and chatted with friends aboard the Hogwarts Express; we’ve dined in the Great Hall and ventured to Hogsmeade in the snow. We’ve stashed away Chocolate Frogs and Bertie Bott’s Beans into the pockets of our robes and sipped on warm mugs of Butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks. We’ve felt the love and protection from Hagrid and we’ve cringed at the sight of Snape. We’ve flown on our brooms and cheered on our House in Quidditch. We’ve dealt with death and loss as well as birth and growth. We’ve stood by the Golden Trio and battled Voldemort for nearly thirteen years. Our childhood was better because of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and everyone else in the series. Our childhood was better because of J.K. Rowling.
I know that I can’t dream forever and I know that the stories of Harry Potter must come to a close, but that doesn’t mean it’s really ending. I know that a piece of Harry will live on inside of me, inside all of us… all because we became who we are today by reading these books and watching these films. We grew into our true selves with the aid of JKR and Harry, Ron and Hermione, Daniel, Rupert and Emma. Thanks to Harry Potter we learned courage, self-sacrifice, and strength. We found friendship, love, compassion, devotion, and trust.Thanks to Harry Potter we found a sense of belonging and guidance to happiness.
Thanks to Harry Potter we found real magic.